What perfect timing. This hit my inbox while I’m up in the middle of the night both tending to my 18 month old who has food poising and sprinting to the bathroom with my own food poisoning. During what was supposed to be a fun mommy and grandparent trip to Hawaii. But instead of feeling angry or disappointed as I’m sure a non-cancer version of myself would, I’m struck with this extreme gratitude that I get to be here taking care of him and I get to be here having food poisoning myself. In your words I’m “cherishing that I’m even here at all”.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I think this is really one of the silver linings to even having something as awful as cancer at such a young age, the "hard" parenting moments don't seem all that hard after you've seen what we've seen. I guess I just feel stronger? There are so few silver linings to this mess, so I do appreciate finding any at all.
What perfect timing. This hit my inbox while I’m up in the middle of the night both tending to my 18 month old who has food poising and sprinting to the bathroom with my own food poisoning. During what was supposed to be a fun mommy and grandparent trip to Hawaii. But instead of feeling angry or disappointed as I’m sure a non-cancer version of myself would, I’m struck with this extreme gratitude that I get to be here taking care of him and I get to be here having food poisoning myself. In your words I’m “cherishing that I’m even here at all”.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I think this is really one of the silver linings to even having something as awful as cancer at such a young age, the "hard" parenting moments don't seem all that hard after you've seen what we've seen. I guess I just feel stronger? There are so few silver linings to this mess, so I do appreciate finding any at all.